expect5.25 (Skunkware98)

These packages include binaries (SCO OpenServer) and original source and documentation for expect, a program that enables programmed dialogue with other interactive programs (like ftp and telnet).

This version is Expect-5.25 for Tcl 7.5, 7.6, and 8.0. Tk 4.1, 4.2, 8.0 and the Tcl Debugger are also supported

Expect uses Tcl as the underlying language for expressing things such as procedures, loops, file I/O, and arithmetic expressions. An interactive debugger (for tcl) is bundled with Expect.

Expect may also be built using the Tk library, a Tcl interface to the X Window System and It is possible to embed the Expect/Tcl core and optionally Tk in your own C programs. This is described in libexpect(3).


Skunkware 98